Thursday, August 26, 2010

Grew Up & Blew Up: Character Rehab

Salt Gallery Presents:
“Grew Up & Blew Up: Character Rehab”
An exhibit of new works by:
Thomas Buildmore, Scott Chasse, Chris Clark, Dan King, Kenji Nakayama and Morgan Thomas
September 3rd – October 22nd, 2010
Opening Reception: Sept 3, 6-9:30pm (Philly First Fridays)
Contact: Michael Veneziale / (215)939-7426

Does stardom have an inevitable shelf life? As today’s technology and hyper-interconnectedness allow everyday people to become stars, Hollywood types and formerly untouchable CEOs are being uncloaked to reveal the everyday person within, complete with imperfections, shortcomings, and vices. With the playing field leveled to a certain degree by a media obsessed with celebrity faults and disaster, one has to consider the mortality of a career in or near the limelight.

With this in mind, Salt Gallery director Michael Veneziale has teamed-up with artist/curators Thomas Buildmore and Scott Chasse to present a body of work themed on the dark side of pop culture. In addition to Buildmore and Chasse, artists Chris Clark, Dan King and Morgan Thomas (all from Philly) along with Boston’s Kenji Nakayama will present works which reflect the over-saturation of the celebrity image, downfall of American icons, and public lynchings by the main stream media. Although the theme may sound grim, much of the artwork by these six artists visually contradicts the darkness with bold imagery, color, and/or humor. Including references to Tiger Woods, Henry Winkler, and Big Oil, the show contemplates whether or not the term “celebrity” itself, has indeed, jumped the shark.

Please join us for the opening reception on September 3rd from 6-9:30pm as part of Philly First Fridays.
Free and open to the public.